This was a different forum for learning—a Meetup. A Toastmaster described Meetups at a Toastmaster meeting and I went online to investigate. I joined the local Meetup site for Houston. Over the months there have been several that appeared interesting but that I had one conflict or another preventing me from attending. This one, a group for amateur filmmakers, set a simple goal – to plan a video that could be shot in one day by the Meetup members serving as both crew and talent. As I wrote in the review for the Meetup below I think we accomplished our goals and will shoot the video in July. I think the Meetup was a good learning experience in the basic goal setting and planning of a very simple video. I think both shooting the video and editing it will also prove to be valuable learning exercises for the members. Even if this goes no further (and I think it will) it is a good example of collaborative and experiential learning. The one step that most of the participants probably will not take is to document the experience saying what they learned and what their next steps are.
Amazingly we accomplished the goal set for the meetup–select and plan a film project. David set the goal and Mac kept bringing us back on track from the many rabbits we started to chase. Everyone had a chance to contribute and volunteer for a role.
Brainstorm and Plan a Mini-Project Survey – Southwest Houston Filmmakers (Richmond, TX) – Meetup